Hijab Fashion Interviews
ZEBA from Hijabiz Love Fashion Too
Author of "Hijabiz Love Fashion Too" Blog, Where She Shares Her Creativity and Discusses Hijab Styles
Styles and fashion doesn't need to cost a fortune to look good, and Zeba Ramos makes that point generously in her posts on her interesting Hijabiz Love Fashion Too blog.
As a fashion designer, Zeba also suggests that whatever fashion style you wish to do, you can do it yourself. The information is abundant, and it's up to you to go out there and experiment it. It's that take-charge style, along with an eye for budget, that attracted me to Hijabiz Love Fashion Too, and we hope you'll like it too.
Zeba was kind enough to spare her busy time and answer a few questions about her very interesting life and background. She's even got a new business line up this Fall, so let's hear from her.
- Assalamualaykum Zeba, thanks for joining us today. Please tell us a bit about yourself, your lovely “Hijabiz Love Fashion Too” blog, and anything else you'd like to mention.
Thank you so much for this great honour! Well, as you can see, I love sewing and designing. I have always dreamt of opening up my own clothing line and now that dream is becoming a reality insha'Allah.
The reason I started my blog was to help other hijabiz realize the true fanshionistas that they are. It's not just about fashion but also about showing your personality through your hijab and clothes while being modest at the same time.
I love all the feedback I get and I have many requests on tutorials that I have yet to catch up to.
- Before we go further, we want to make mention of you recently became a mom. It must be a wonderful experience for you. What words of advice would you have for someone who may be going through similar situation?
Yes, I have been a mother now for 21 months and it is a wonderful experience!! He is my sunshine and I can't imagine my life without him. My life is much busier and it's not all about me anymore, I have another little person to take care of, but it's totally worth it!!!
My son is a handful but I manage to get my housework done, make dinner, change diapers 10 times a day, go to the gym, and I also work on my clothing line plus everything in between.
I try to do most of the line production during the day and my son goes wherever I go. I do always warn the people that I have a business meeting with that my son will be with me, just to get an okay.
I have my hands full all day long and my son is a bit needy but I have good time management. My advice to women in my situation is to make the most of your day.
- You're in the process of opening up your own online clothing store. Please tell us a bit about the store and what do you have planned for the store.
Insha'Allah if all goes as planned I will launch my first collection this fall 2011. I have a few dresses and a few skirts, tunics and t-shirts.
The first collection is the basic necessities for any hijabi, the basic fall hoodie and t-shirt dress. Everything in my collection is modest, all long sleeves and tunics and t-shirts are long enough so you will feel covered up and comfortable. I hope that with the success of my first collection that I can be more innovative with my next line.
I am trying my best to keep the costs of the clothes low, but it's very difficult! I am manufacturing everything in the US and I have found all my materials here in NY. For now I prefer to do it locally as I can be there step by step to make sure that everything is made to my standards.
- As a fashion designer what do think of Muslim fashion industry. What do you think could drive the industry to a level where it could be instantly identified?
I think that the Muslim fashion designers are realizing that women like what's in style now and that a lot of young girls and women want to wear hijab but would also like to be stylish. As a designer I, along with other designers, are trying to make something appealing and modern but modest for hijabiz alike, as long as we can make modest clothing that's chic.
- You was born and raised in Vancouver BC, but moved to New York after your marriage. Which of the two cities, in your opinion, has better taste in hijab fashion and style?
Hands down I would have to say New York. The women here have more pride in how they present themselves. I was always a fashion junky but I've had my lazy moments and sometimes even now I just feel like throwing on whatever. But I find that even when I feel lazy, I still want to look presentable because I feel like I'm representing hijabiz around the world and I want to carry myself well.
When I'm in Manhattan I love to people watch and I catch myself looking for hijabiz, and I love how each hijabi looks fabulous and modest.
- Some of our visitors may be intrigued by the idea of wearing stylish hijab fashion to look good and confident, but may not know where to begin. As a fashion designer what general advice would you give?
What's really important is to find clothes that you are really comfortable in and clothes that suit your body type. Buy long sleeve t-shirts, dresses that can be worn as shirts, keep it just above the knee or at the knee.
It's okay if the dress passes the knee, it's just tougher to wear them with wide leg jeans. Add a belt for fun and flair; you will know your style as you buy your clothes.
- Zeba, thanks again for talking with us. Our last question is when did you first develop your passion for fashion?
I developed it when I was just a little girl going to Indian fabric stores with my mom. I loved watching fashion shows on TV and always got excited to go to the doctor's office just so I could look through the fashion magazines.
I was gifted my very first sewing machine when I was just 4 years old because I liked watching how the seamstresses made our Indian clothes and I wanted to mimic them. Thanks to my precious mom who knew that I would make it someday!!!
We want to thank Zeba very much for taking the time to do this interview, and we wish her great success with both Hijabiz Love Fashion Too and her coming first lauch collection this Autumn.
Please check out her site today.
Many thanks Zeba! - what a lovely and unique name :-)
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